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14 Week Deep Tissue Cleansing Detox

When you have specific health concerns, we recommend you get in touch with a practitioner who can put together a detox that is tailored to your unique health needs. You can find a practitioner in Australia by going to our practitioners page.

However, for a more generalised detox, you may wish to follow this 14 week detox guide. This is a great way to start if you are, for any reason, unable to work with a practitioner, or if you want to complete a general detox independently. 

Another helpful resource, particularly if you are doing the detox on your own is the Dr Morse's Deep Tissue Cleansing And Regeneration Guidebook. This book contains a detox journal to assist you to keep track of your herbal intake, kidney filtration and basal temperature; as well as providing some great tips and and supporting information for you throughout your detox. 

14 Week Deep Tissue Cleanse 

Week 1-2  

 Endocrine Support Liver / Skin  Parasite M 
Parasite G  Kidney and Bladder #1  Kidney and Bladder #2 
Lymphatic System Mild GI Renew 



Week 3-4 

Kidney and Bladder #1 Kidney and Bladder #2  Lymphatic System Mild
Liver / Skin Endocrine Support Parasite M 
GI Renew 


Week 5-6

Kidney and Bladder #3 Kidney and Bladder #4  Lymphatic System Mild
Brain and Nerve  Blood Circulation Parasite M 
GI Renew 


Week 7-8

Kidney and Bladder #3  Kidney and Bladder #4  Lymphatic System Moderate 
Brain and Nerve  Blood Circulation Adrenal Support
GI Renew 


Week 9-10

Kidney and Bladder #3  Kidney and Bladder #4  Lymphatic System Moderate 
Brain and Nerve Blood Circulation  Adrenal Support 
GI Renew 


Week 11-12 

Kidney and Bladder #1  Kidney and Bladder #2  Lymphatic System Strong
Blood Support Lung Detox Adrenal Support 
GI Renew 


Week 13-14 

Kidney and Bladder #1  Kidney and Bladder #2  Lymphatic System Strong
Blood Support Lung Detox Adrenal Support
GI Renew 


Heal All Tea is also a wonderful addition to any detox. 

All capsules and tinctures should last about 2 weeks if taken as directed on the back of the bottle. 

See the Detox Tools page for other items that may be helpful to you throughout your detox 

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